January 2023 Expansion in supercritical random subgraphs of the hypercube and its consequences
Joshua Erde, Mihyun Kang, Michael Krivelevich
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Probab. 51(1): 127-156 (January 2023). DOI: 10.1214/22-AOP1592


It is well known that the behaviour of a random subgraph of a d-dimensional hypercube, where we include each edge independently with probability p, undergoes a phase transition when p is around . More precisely, standard arguments show that just below this value of p all components of this graph have order with probability tending to one as (whp for short), whereas Ajtai, Komlós and Szemerédi (Combinatorica 2 (1982) 1–7) showed that just above this value, in the supercritical regime, whp there is a unique “giant” component of order . We show that whp the vertex expansion of the giant component is inverse polynomial in d. As a consequence, we obtain polynomial in d bounds on the diameter of the giant component and the mixing time of the lazy random walk on the giant component, answering questions of Bollobás, Kohayakawa and Łuczak (Random Structures and Algorithms 5 (1994) 627–648) and of Pete (Electron. Commun. Probab. 13 (2008) 377–392). Furthermore, our results imply lower bounds on the circumference and Hadwiger number of a random subgraph of the hypercube in this regime of p, which are tight up to polynomial factors in d.

Funding Statement

The second author was supported by Austrian Science Fund (FWF): I3747. The third author was supported in part by USA-Israel BSF Grant 2018267.


The third author wishes to thank Asaf Nachmias for stimulating discussions and helpful remarks. The authors would also like to thank the reviewer for their careful reading of the paper and useful comments.


Download Citation

Joshua Erde. Mihyun Kang. Michael Krivelevich. "Expansion in supercritical random subgraphs of the hypercube and its consequences." Ann. Probab. 51 (1) 127 - 156, January 2023. https://doi.org/10.1214/22-AOP1592


Received: 1 November 2021; Revised: 1 May 2022; Published: January 2023
First available in Project Euclid: 22 November 2022

MathSciNet: MR4515692
zbMATH: 1506.05115
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/22-AOP1592

Primary: 05C48 , 05C80 , 82B43

Keywords: graph expansion , Hypercube percolation

Rights: Copyright © 2023 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.51 • No. 1 • January 2023
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