We establish universality of cutoff for simple random walk on a class of random graphs defined as follows. Given a finite graph
Funding Statement
Jonathan Hermon’s research was supported by an NSERC grant. Allan Sly’s research was partially supported by NSF Grant DMS-1855527, a Simons Investigator grant and a MacArthur Fellowship. Perla Sousi’s research was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: EP/R022615/1.
The authors would like to thank Persi Diaconis, Balázs Gerencsér, David Levin and Evita Nestoridi for useful discussions.
Jonathan Hermon. Allan Sly. Perla Sousi. "Universality of cutoff for graphs with an added random matching." Ann. Probab. 50 (1) 203 - 240, January 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/21-AOP1532