Laurent Denis, Anis Matoussi, Jing Zhang
Lester Mackey, Michael I. Jordan, Richard Y. Chen, Brendan Farrell, Joel A. Tropp
Dmitry Panchenko
Elie Aidekon, Zhan Shi
Feng-Yu Wang
Robert J. Adler, Elina Moldavskaya, Gennady Samorodnitsky
Maximal stream and minimal cutset for first passage percolation through a domain of $\mathbb{R}^{d}$
Raphaël Cerf, Marie Théret
Uwe Einmahl, Jim Kuelbs
Hoi H. Nguyen
Antonio Auffinger, Michael Damron
Tom Alberts, Konstantin Khanin, Jeremy Quastel
Kenji Handa
E. D. Andjel