Open Access
July, 1992 Clustering in the One-Dimensional Three-Color Cyclic Cellular Automaton
Robert Fisch
Ann. Probab. 20(3): 1528-1548 (July, 1992). DOI: 10.1214/aop/1176989705


This paper investigates the dynamics of the one-dimensional three-color cyclic cellular automaton. The author has previously shown that this process fluctuates, meaning that each lattice site changes color infinitely often, so that there is no "final state" for the system. The focus of the current work is on the clustering properties of this system. This paper demonstrates that the one-dimensional three-color cyclic cellular automaton clusters, and the mean cluster size, as a function of time $t$, is asymptotic to $ct^{1/2}$, where $c$ is an explicitly calculable constant. The method of proof also allows us to compute asymptotic estimates of the mean interparticle distance for a one-dimensional system of particles which undergo deterministic motion and which annihilate upon collision. No clustering results are known about the four-color process, but evidence is presented to suggest that the mean cluster size of such systems grows at a rate different from $t^{1/2}$.


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Robert Fisch. "Clustering in the One-Dimensional Three-Color Cyclic Cellular Automaton." Ann. Probab. 20 (3) 1528 - 1548, July, 1992.


Published: July, 1992
First available in Project Euclid: 19 April 2007

zbMATH: 0806.60096
MathSciNet: MR1175276
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aop/1176989705

Primary: 60K35

Keywords: cellular automaton , cluster size , interparticle distance , Particle systems

Rights: Copyright © 1992 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.20 • No. 3 • July, 1992
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