July 2022 The Birkhoff-Poritsky conjecture for centrally-symmetric billiard tables
Misha Bialy, Andrey E. Mironov
Author Affiliations +
Ann. of Math. (2) 196(1): 389-413 (July 2022). DOI: 10.4007/annals.2022.196.1.2


In this paper we prove the Birkhoff-Poritsky conjecture for centrally-symmetric C2-smooth convex planar billiards. We assume that the domain A between the invariant curve of 4-periodic orbits and the boundary of the phase cylinder is foliated by C0-invariant curves. Under this assumption we prove that the billiard curve is an ellipse. For the original Birkhoff-Poritsky formulation we show that if a neighborhood of the boundary of billiard domain has a C1-smooth foliation by convex caustics of rotation numbers in the interval (0;1/4], then the boundary curve is an ellipse. In the language of first integrals one can assert that if the billiard inside a centrally-symmetric C2-smooth convex curve γ admits a C1-smooth first integral with non-vanishing gradient on A, then the curve γ is an ellipse.

The main ingredients of the proof are (1) the non-standard generating function for convex billiards; (2) the remarkable structure of the invariant curve consisting of 4-periodic orbits; and (3) the integral-geometry approach for rigidity results that was invented by the first named author for circular billiards. Surprisingly, we establish a Hopf-type rigidity for billiard in ellipse.


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Misha Bialy. Andrey E. Mironov. "The Birkhoff-Poritsky conjecture for centrally-symmetric billiard tables." Ann. of Math. (2) 196 (1) 389 - 413, July 2022. https://doi.org/10.4007/annals.2022.196.1.2


Published: July 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 26 May 2022

Digital Object Identifier: 10.4007/annals.2022.196.1.2

Primary: 37J35 , 37J40 , 37J51

Keywords: Birkhoff billiard , Birkhoff-Poritsky conjecture , integrable billiard

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Department of Mathematics, Princeton University


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Vol.196 • No. 1 • July 2022
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