Partially balanced arrays are generalizations of orthogonal arrays. Multifactorial designs derived from partially balanced arrays require a reduced number of assemblies in order to accommodate a given number of factors. For instance, an orthogonal array of strength two, six symbols and four constraints, would require at least $2.6^2 = 72$ assemblies. This is because there does not exist a pair of mutually orthogonal Latin Squares of order six. But for the same situation, a partially balanced array in 42 assemblies, is constructed in this paper. The method of construction is one of composition which utilizes the existence of a pairwise partially balanced incomplete block design and an orthogonal array.
I. M. Chakravarti. "On Some Methods of Construction of Partially Balanced Arrays." Ann. Math. Statist. 32 (4) 1181 - 1185, December, 1961. https://doi.org/10.1214/aoms/1177704857