Marine mammals are increasingly vulnerable to human disturbance and climate change. Their diving behavior leads to limited visual access during data collection, making studying the abundance and distribution of marine mammals challenging. In theory, using data from more than one observation modality should lead to better informed predictions of abundance and distribution. With focus on North Atlantic right whales, we consider the fusion of two data sources to inform about their abundance and distribution. The first source is aerial distance sampling, which provides the spatial locations of whales detected in the region. The second source is passive acoustic monitoring (PAM), returning calls received at hydrophones placed on the ocean floor. Due to limited time on the surface and detection limitations arising from sampling effort, aerial distance sampling only provides a partial realization of locations. With PAM we never observe numbers or locations of individuals. To address these challenges, we develop a novel thinned point pattern data fusion. Our approach leads to improved inference regarding abundance and distribution of North Atlantic right whales throughout Cape Cod Bay, Massachusetts in the U.S. We demonstrate performance gains of our approach compared to that from a single source through both simulation and real data.
Funding Statement
Aerial survey data for this study were collected under NOAA Scientific Permit No. 633-1763. CCS acknowledges funding from NOAA Fisheries, Massachusetts DMF, Massachusetts Environmental Trust, and private donors. The DTAG data were collected under NOAA NMFS Scientific Permit nos. 655-1652-01, 775-1875 and 633-1763 and were approved by the Penn State Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Funding for DTAG data collection work was provided by: U.S. Office of Naval Research grants N00014-08-1-0630 and N00014-09-1-0066. This work was supported in part by funding from NOAA Fisheries under award NA20NMF0080246, SERDP award RC20-1097, and U.S. Office of Naval Research Award N000141712817.
Erin M. Schliep. Alan E. Gelfand. Christopher W. Clark. Charles A. Mayo. Brigid McKenna. Susan E. Parks. Tina M. Yack. Robert S. Schick. "Assessing marine mammal abundance: A novel data fusion." Ann. Appl. Stat. 18 (4) 3071 - 3090, December 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-AOAS1924