Neuroradiologists and neurosurgeons increasingly opt to use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to map functionally relevant brain regions for noninvasive presurgical planning and intraoperative neuronavigation. This application requires a high degree of spatial accuracy, but the fMRI signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) decreases as spatial resolution increases. In practice, fMRI scans can be collected at multiple spatial resolutions, and it is of interest to make more accurate inference on brain activity by combining data with different resolutions. To this end, we develop a new Bayesian model to leverage both better anatomical precision in high resolution fMRI and higher SNR in standard resolution fMRI. We assign a Gaussian process prior to the mean intensity function and develop an efficient, scalable posterior computation algorithm to integrate both sources of data. We draw posterior samples using an algorithm analogous to Riemann manifold Hamiltonian Monte Carlo in an expanded parameter space. We illustrate our method in analysis of presurgical fMRI data and show in simulation that it infers the mean intensity more accurately than alternatives that use either the high or standard resolution fMRI data alone.
Funding Statement
This work was partially supported by NIH Grant R01 DA048993 (Kang and Johnson).
We gratefully acknowledge the indispensable expert technical and collaboration support provided by the MR application and collaboration management teams of Siemens Healthcare GmbH which enabled us to record multiband (i.e., simultaneous-multislice) accelerated acquisitions of high-resolution fMRI data at otherwise identical parameter settings like for the standard spatial resolution runs. Dr. Andreas J. Bartsch has additional joint appointments with the Department of Neuroradiology at the University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, and with the FMRIB Centre Department of Clinical Neurology at the University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
Andrew S. Whiteman. Andreas J. Bartsch. Jian Kang. Timothy D. Johnson. "Bayesian inference for brain activity from functional magnetic resonance imaging collected at two spatial resolutions." Ann. Appl. Stat. 16 (4) 2626 - 2647, December 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/22-AOAS1606