Open Access
May 1997 On the possibility of hedging options in the presence of transaction costs
Shlomo Levental, Anatolii V. Skorohod
Ann. Appl. Probab. 7(2): 410-443 (May 1997). DOI: 10.1214/aoap/1034625338


We study the continuous-time problem of hedging a generalized call option of the European and of the American type, in the presence of transaction costs. We show that if the price process of the relevant stock fluctuates with positive probability, then the only hedge that is possible for the American option is the trivial one. If the price of the stock, in addition to fluctuating with positive probability, is also stable with positive probability, then the same is true for the European option. We also show that in some sense, stable price with positive probability is a necessary condition for having only a trivial hedge for the European option. Our basic idea is to work with an appropriate discrete-time version of the problem which is transaction costs free. The mathematical tools that we use are elementary. A related result appears in Soner, Shreve and Cvitanic.


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Shlomo Levental. Anatolii V. Skorohod. "On the possibility of hedging options in the presence of transaction costs." Ann. Appl. Probab. 7 (2) 410 - 443, May 1997.


Published: May 1997
First available in Project Euclid: 14 October 2002

zbMATH: 0883.90018
MathSciNet: MR1442320
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/aoap/1034625338

Primary: 60H30 , 90A09

Keywords: Black-Scholes , hedging , Options , Transaction costs

Rights: Copyright © 1997 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.7 • No. 2 • May 1997
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