October 2024 Differentiability of quadratic forward-backward SDEs with rough drift
Peter Imkeller, Rhoss Likibi Pellat, Olivier Menoukeu-Pamen
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34(5): 4758-4798 (October 2024). DOI: 10.1214/24-AAP2079


In this paper, we consider quadratic forward-backward SDEs (QFBSDEs), for which the drift in the forward equation does not satisfy the standard globally Lipschitz condition and the driver of the backward system possesses nonlinearity of type f(|y|)|z|2, where f is any locally integrable function. We prove both the Malliavin and classical differentiability of solutions to this type of QFBSDEs and provide representations of these derivatives processes. As a by-product, we derive a representation formula of the control variable Zt as a conditional expectation of the terminal value, the driver and the Malliavin weights, when the drift term is only bounded and Hölder continuous. We study a numerical approximation of this system in the sense of Imkeller and Dos Reis (Stochastic Process. Appl. 120 (2010) 2286–2288) in which the authors assume that the drift is Lipschitz and the driver of the BSDE is globally Lipschitz in y and quadratic in the traditional sense in z (i.e., f is a positive constant). We show that the rate of convergence is the same as in (Stochastic Process. Appl. 120 (2010) 2286–2288).

Funding Statement

P. Imkeller was supported in part by DFG Research Unit FOR 2402.
R. Likibi Pellat is funded by DAAD under the programme PhD-study at AIMS.
O. Menoukeu Pamen acknowledges the funding provided by the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, under the program financed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research entitled German Research Chair No 01DG15010.


The authors thank the two anonymous referees for their remarks and suggestions which helped to improve the paper. This work was initiated when R. Likibi Pellat visited the Humboldt University of Berlin. He is grateful for the hospitality. The second author also thanks Professor Stefan Geiss for helpful comments and suggestions.

Rhoss Likibi Pellat carried the work while affiliated to the Department of Mathematics, University of Ghana.


Download Citation

Peter Imkeller. Rhoss Likibi Pellat. Olivier Menoukeu-Pamen. "Differentiability of quadratic forward-backward SDEs with rough drift." Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (5) 4758 - 4798, October 2024. https://doi.org/10.1214/24-AAP2079


Received: 1 August 2022; Revised: 1 December 2023; Published: October 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 26 September 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/24-AAP2079

Primary: 60H10
Secondary: 60H07 , 65C30

Keywords: BMO martingales , Malliavin calculus , Quadratic forward-backward SDEs , rough drift , Stochastic flows

Rights: Copyright © 2024 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.34 • No. 5 • October 2024
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