December 2022 Quenched law of large numbers and quenched central limit theorem for multiplayer leagues with ergodic strengths
Jacopo Borga, Benedetta Cavalli
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Appl. Probab. 32(6): 4398-4425 (December 2022). DOI: 10.1214/22-AAP1790


We propose and study a new model for competitions, specifically sports multi-player leagues where the initial strengths of the teams are independent i.i.d. random variables that evolve during different days of the league according to independent ergodic processes. The result of each match is random: the probability that a team wins against another team is determined by a function of the strengths of the two teams in the day the match is played.

Our model generalizes some previous models studied in the physical and mathematical literature and is defined in terms of different parameters that can be statistically calibrated. We prove a quenched—conditioning on the initial strengths of the teams—law of large numbers and a quenched central limit theorem for the number of victories of a team according to its initial strength.

To obtain our results, we prove a theorem of independent interest. For a stationary process ξ=(ξi)iZ>0 satisfying a mixing condition and an independent sequence of i.i.d. random variables (si)iZ>0, we prove a quenched—conditioning on (si)iZ>0—central limit theorem for sums of the form i=1ng(ξi,si), where g is a bounded measurable function. We highlight that the random variables g(ξi,si) are not stationary conditioning on (si)iZ>0.


The authors are very grateful to Itai Benjamini, Jean Bertoin, Mathilde Bouvel and Valentin Féray for many interesting suggestions and discussions. We also thank Emilio Corso for a careful reading of a preliminary draft of the paper.


Download Citation

Jacopo Borga. Benedetta Cavalli. "Quenched law of large numbers and quenched central limit theorem for multiplayer leagues with ergodic strengths." Ann. Appl. Probab. 32 (6) 4398 - 4425, December 2022.


Received: 1 March 2021; Revised: 1 October 2021; Published: December 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 6 December 2022

MathSciNet: MR4522355
zbMATH: 1504.60033
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/22-AAP1790

Primary: 60F05 , 60G50 , 60K35

Keywords: Interacting random processes , Invariance principles , modelization , multiplayer competitions , sums of dependent and nonstationary random variables

Rights: Copyright © 2022 Institute of Mathematical Statistics


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Vol.32 • No. 6 • December 2022
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