We study non-Markovian stochastic epidemic models (SIS, SIR, SIRS, and SEIR), in which the infectious (and latent/exposing, immune) periods have a general distribution. We provide a representation of the evolution dynamics using the time epochs of infection (and latency/exposure, immunity). Taking the limit as the size of the population tends to infinity, we prove both a functional law of large number (FLLN) and a functional central limit theorem (FCLT) for the processes of interest in these models. In the FLLN, the limits are a unique solution to a system of deterministic Volterra integral equations, while in the FCLT, the limit processes are multidimensional Gaussian solutions of linear Volterra stochastic integral equations. In the proof of the FCLT, we provide an important Poisson random measures representation of the diffusion-scaled processes converging to Gaussian components driving the limit process.
Funding Statement
G. Pang was supported in part by the US National Science Foundation grants DMS-1715875 and DMS-2108683, and Army Research Office grant W911NF-17-1-0019.
This work was mostly done during G. Pang’s visit at Aix–Marseille Université, whose hospitality was greatly appreciated. The authors thank the reviewers for the helpful comments that have improved the exposition of the paper.
Guodong Pang. Étienne Pardoux. "Functional limit theorems for non-Markovian epidemic models." Ann. Appl. Probab. 32 (3) 1615 - 1665, June 2022. https://doi.org/10.1214/21-AAP1717