We consider branching random walks built on Galton–Watson trees with offspring distribution having a bounded support, conditioned to have n nodes, and their rescaled convergences to the Brownian snake. We exhibit a notion of “globally centered discrete snake” that extends the usual settings in which the displacements are supposed centered. We show that under some additional moment conditions, when n goes to +∞, “globally centered discrete snakes” converge to the Brownian snake. The proof relies on a precise study of the lineage of the nodes in a Galton–Watson tree conditioned by the size, and their links with a multinomial process [the lineage of a node u is the vector indexed by (k, j) giving the number of ancestors of u having k children and for which u is a descendant of the jth one]. Some consequences concerning Galton–Watson trees conditioned by the size are also derived.
Jean-François Marckert. "The lineage process in Galton–Watson trees and globally centered discrete snakes." Ann. Appl. Probab. 18 (1) 209 - 244, February 2008. https://doi.org/10.1214/07-AAP450