Open Access
February 2005 Large deviations of the empirical volume fraction for stationary Poisson grain models
Lothar Heinrich
Ann. Appl. Probab. 15(1A): 392-420 (February 2005). DOI: 10.1214/105051604000001007


We study the existence of the (thermodynamic) limit of the scaled cumulant-generating function Ln(z)=|Wn|−1logEexp{z|Ξ∩Wn|} of the empirical volume fraction |Ξ∩Wn|/|Wn|, where |⋅| denotes the d-dimensional Lebesgue measure. Here Ξ=⋃i≥1i+Xi) denotes a d-dimensional Poisson grain model (also known as a Boolean model) defined by a stationary Poisson process Πλ=∑i≥1δXi with intensity λ>0 and a sequence of independent copies Ξ12,… of a random compact set Ξ0. For an increasing family of compact convex sets {Wn, n≥1} which expand unboundedly in all directions, we prove the existence and analyticity of the limit lim n→∞Ln(z) on some disk in the complex plane whenever Eexp{a0|}<∞ for some a>0. Moreover, closely connected with this result, we obtain exponential inequalities and the exact asymptotics for the large deviation probabilities of the empirical volume fraction in the sense of Cramér and Chernoff.


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Lothar Heinrich. "Large deviations of the empirical volume fraction for stationary Poisson grain models." Ann. Appl. Probab. 15 (1A) 392 - 420, February 2005.


Published: February 2005
First available in Project Euclid: 28 January 2005

zbMATH: 1067.60002
MathSciNet: MR2115047
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/105051604000001007

Primary: 60D05 , 60F10
Secondary: 60G55 , 82B30

Keywords: Berry–Esseen bound , Chernoff-type theorem , correlation measures , Cox process , Cumulants , large deviations , Poisson grain model with compact grains , thermodynamic limit , volume fraction

Rights: Copyright © 2005 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.15 • No. 1A • February 2005
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