Let {X(t)}t≥0 be a locally bounded and infinitely divisible stochastic process, with no Gaussian component, that is self-similar with index H>0. Pick constants γ>H and c>0. Let ν be the Lévy measure on ℝ[0,∞) of X, and suppose that R(u)≡ν({y∈ℝ[0,∞):sup t≥0y(t)/(1+ctγ)>u}) is suitably “heavy tailed” as u→∞ (e.g., subexponential with positive decrease). For the “storage process” Y(t)≡sup s≥t(X(s)−X(t)−c(s−t)γ), we show that P{sup s∈[0,t(u)]Y(s)>u}∼P{Y({t̂}(u))>u} as u→∞, when 0≤t̂(u)≤t(u) do not grow too fast with u [e.g., t(u)=o(u1/γ)].
J. M. P. Albin. Gennady Samorodnitsky. "On overload in a storage model, with a self-similar and infinitely divisible input." Ann. Appl. Probab. 14 (2) 820 - 844, May 2004. https://doi.org/10.1214/105051604000000125