May 2024 Global contractivity for Langevin dynamics with distribution-dependent forces and uniform in time propagation of chaos
Katharina Schuh
Author Affiliations +
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 60(2): 753-789 (May 2024). DOI: 10.1214/22-AIHP1337


We study the long-time behaviour of both the classical second-order Langevin dynamics and the nonlinear second-order Langevin dynamics of McKean–Vlasov type. By a coupling approach, we establish global contraction in an L1 Wasserstein distance with an explicit dimension-free rate for pairwise weak interactions. For external forces corresponding to a κ-strongly convex potential a contraction rate of order O(κ) is obtained in certain cases. But the result is not restricted to these forces. It rather includes multi-well potentials and non-gradient-type external forces as well as non-gradient-type repulsive and attractive interaction forces. The proof is based on a novel distance function which combines two contraction results for large and small distances and uses a coupling approach adjusted to the distance. By applying a componentwise adaptation of the coupling we provide uniform in time propagation of chaos bounds for the corresponding mean-field particle system.

Nous étudions le comportement en temps long de la dynamique de second ordre de Langevin ainsi que sa version non linéaire de type McKean–Vlasov. Par une approche par couplage, nous établissons la contraction globale en distance de Wasserstein L1 avec un taux explicite indépendant de la dimension dans le cas d’une faible interaction par paire. Lorsque la force de confinement correspond à un potentiel κ-fortement convexe, un taux de contraction de l’ordre de O(κ) est obtenu dans certains cas. Mais le résultat ne se limite pas à ce type de forces. En effet, il est possible de considérer également des confinements de type non gradient et multi-puits ainsi que des interactions non gradients atractives ou répulsives. Notre preuve repose sur une nouvelle fonction distance qui combine deux résultats de contraction pour les petites et grandes distances et utilise ainsi un couplage adapté. En utilisant une adaptation coordonnée par coordonnée du couplage nous obtenons la propagation du chaos uniforme en temps pour le système de particules à champ moyen associé.

Funding Statement

Support by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics has been gratefully acknowledged. Gefördert durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) im Rahmen der Exzellenzstrategie des Bundes und der Länder – GZ 2047/1, Projekt-ID 390685813.


The author would like to thank her supervisor Andreas Eberle for bringing up the idea of glueing two metrics to combine two local contraction results and for his support and advice during the development of this work.


Download Citation

Katharina Schuh. "Global contractivity for Langevin dynamics with distribution-dependent forces and uniform in time propagation of chaos." Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 60 (2) 753 - 789, May 2024.


Received: 7 June 2022; Revised: 21 October 2022; Accepted: 25 October 2022; Published: May 2024
First available in Project Euclid: 11 June 2024

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/22-AIHP1337

Primary: 60H10 , 60J60
Secondary: 82C31

Keywords: Convergence to equilibrium , coupling , Langevin dynamics , propagation of chaos , Vlasov–Fokker–Planck equation , Wasserstein distance

Rights: Copyright © 2024 Association des Publications de l’Institut Henri Poincaré

Vol.60 • No. 2 • May 2024
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