We discuss what it means for a symmetric monoidal category to be a module over a commutative semiring category. Each of the categories of (1) cartesian monoidal categories, (2) semiadditive categories, and (3) connective spectra can be recovered in this way as categories of modules over a commutative semiring category (or –category in the last case). This language provides a simultaneous generalization of the formalism of algebraic theories (operads, PROPs, Lawvere theories) and stable homotopy theory, with essentially a variant of algebraic K–theory bridging between the two.
John D Berman. "On the commutative algebra of categories." Algebr. Geom. Topol. 18 (5) 2963 - 3012, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2140/agt.2018.18.2963