A nontrivial slope on a knot in is called a characterizing slope if whenever the result of –surgery on a knot is orientation-preservingly homeomorphic to the result of –surgery on , then is isotopic to . Ni and Zhang ask: for any hyperbolic knot , is a slope with sufficiently large a characterizing slope? In this article, we prove that if we can take an unknot so that –surgery on results in and is not a meridian of , then has infinitely many noncharacterizing slopes. As the simplest known example, the hyperbolic, two-bridge knot has no integral characterizing slopes. This answers the above question in the negative. We also prove that any L-space knot never admits such an unknot .
Kenneth Baker. Kimihiko Motegi. "Noncharacterizing slopes for hyperbolic knots." Algebr. Geom. Topol. 18 (3) 1461 - 1480, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2140/agt.2018.18.1461