We define the notion of a braided link cobordism in , which generalizes Viro’s closed surface braids in . We prove that any properly embedded oriented surface is isotopic to a surface in this special position, and that the isotopy can be taken rel boundary when already consists of closed braids. These surfaces are closely related to another notion of surface braiding in , called braided surfaces with caps, which are a generalization of Rudolph’s braided surfaces. We mention several applications of braided surfaces with caps, including using them to apply algebraic techniques from braid groups to studying surfaces in –space, as well as constructing singular fibrations on smooth –manifolds from a given handle decomposition.
Mark C Hughes. "Braiding link cobordisms and non-ribbon surfaces." Algebr. Geom. Topol. 15 (6) 3707 - 3729, 2015. https://doi.org/10.2140/agt.2015.15.3707