Open Access
V. K. Bhat
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Albanian J. Math. 2(4): 283-291 (2008). DOI: 10.51286/albjm/1229538942


Skew polynomial rings have invited attention of mathematicians and various properties of these rings have been discussed. The nature of ideals (in particular prime ideals, minimal prime ideals, associated prime ideals), primary decomposition and Krull dimension have been investigated in certain cases.

This article concerns transparent (decomposable) rings. Recall that a ring R is said to be a Transparent ring if in R there exist irreducible ideals Ij,1jn such that j=1nIj=0 and each R/Ij has a right Artinian quotient ring.

Now let R be a ring, which is an order in an Artinian ring S. Let σ and τ be automorphisms of R and δ be a (σ,τ)-derivation of R; i.e. δ:RR is an additive mapping satisfying δ(ab)=σ(a)δ(b)+δ(a)τ(b) for all a,bR. We define an extension of R, namely R[x,σ,τ,δ]={f=i=0nxiai,aiR}, subject to the relation ax=xσ(τ(a))+δ(a) for all aR.

We show that if R is a commutative Noetherian -algebra, σ and τ as usual, then there exists an integer m1 such that the extension ring R[x,α,β,ϑ] is a Transparent ring, where α=σm, β=τm and ϑ is an (α,β)-derivation of R with α(ϑ(a))=ϑ(α(a)), and β(ϑ(a))=ϑ(β(a)), for all aR.


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V. K. Bhat. "DECOMPOSABILITY OF EXTENSION RINGS." Albanian J. Math. 2 (4) 283 - 291, 2008.


Published: 2008
First available in Project Euclid: 17 July 2023

Digital Object Identifier: 10.51286/albjm/1229538942

Primary: 16-XX
Secondary: ‎16N40 , 16P40 , 16W20 , 16W25

Keywords: associated prime , automorphism , decomposable ring , Ore extension , α-derivation

Rights: Copyright © 2008 Research Institute of Science and Technology (RISAT)

Vol.2 • No. 4 • 2008
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