2021 The maximal genus of space curves in the range A
Edoardo Ballico, Philippe Ellia
Author Affiliations +
Albanian J. Math. 15(1): 10-38 (2021). DOI: 10.51286/albjm/1608313772


Fix positive integers $d, m$ such that $\frac{m^2+4m+6}{6} \leq d \lt \frac{m^2+4m+6}{3}$ (the so-called Range A for space curves). Let $G(d, m)$ be the maximal genus of a smooth and connected degree $d$ curve $C \subset \mathbb P^3$ such that $h^0(\mathcal I_C(m-1)) = 0$. Here we prove that $G(d, m) = 1+(m-1)d -\binom{m+2}{3}$ if $m\ge 13.8\cdot 10^5$. The case $\frac{m^2+4m+6}{4} \leq d \lt \frac{m^2+4m+6}{3}$ was known by work of Fløystad [14, 15] and joint work of Ballico, Bolondi, Ellia, Mirò-Roig; see [2]. To prove the case $\frac{m^2+4m+6}{6} \leq d \lt \frac{m^2+4m+6}{4}$ we show that in this range for large $d$ every integer between $0$ and $1+(m-1)d -\binom{m+2}{3}$ is the genus of some degree $d$ smooth and connected curve $C \subset \mathbb P^3$ such that $h^0(\mathcal I_C(m-1)) = 0$.

Funding Statement

Partially supported by MIUR and GNSAGA of INdAM (Italy).


Download Citation

Edoardo Ballico. Philippe Ellia. "The maximal genus of space curves in the range A." Albanian J. Math. 15 (1) 10 - 38, 2021. https://doi.org/10.51286/albjm/1608313772


Published: 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 26 March 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.51286/albjm/1608313772

Primary: 14H51

Keywords: genus , Hilbert function , postulation , space curves

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Research Institute of Science and Technology (RISAT)

Vol.15 • No. 1 • 2021
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