January 2020 Disintegration of Price Ordered Probit Model: An Application to Prices of Cereal Crops in Nigeria.
Rasaki Olawale OLANREWAJU, Adekola Lanrewaju OLUMIDE, Ezekiel OSENI, Phillips Samuel ADEMOLA
Afr. J. Appl. Stat. 7(1): 781-804 (January 2020). DOI: 10.16929/ajas/2020.781.242


Swindling in prices of comestible cereal crops positively or negatively has effect on incomes and earnings, because they are the most consumable farm harvests. The instability in prices of cereal crops undoubtedly affects consumers' demands and purchasing power; producers' profitability margin. The higher their prices, the more profit accrued by farmers and the panicky effect on both domestic markets and international prices, especially to depending countries. Due to this, the Price Ordered Probit model was considered due to its ability to measure price changes of commodities. We estimated the parameters embedded in the Price Ordered Probit model via Generalized Linear Method, thereafter disintegrated the model into three components with associated estimated parameters for adequate measurement of unsteadiness in prices. The model was subjected to ten (10) instability prices of cereal crops; maize, rice, sorghum, millet, cowpea, groundnut, beans, wheat, and cassava collected from the Department of Food and Strategic Reserve, in Kano State, Nigeria. It was unveiled that the probabilities of changes in prices of rice, maize, sorghum and millet due to dependent increment in the previous years are 0.83 (83 %), 0.30 (30 %), 0.35 (35 %) and 0.45 (45 %) respectively. Whereas, the likelihoods of the monthly increment in changing of prices due to subsequent prices of g-corn, cowpea, groundnut, beans, wheat and cassava are 0.382 (38.2 %), 0.851 (85.1 %), 0.450 (45 %), 0.471 (47.1 %), 0.123 (12.3 %) and 0.670 (67 %) respectively.

La hausse des prix des cultures céréalières comestibles impacte positivement ou négativement les revenus des fermiers produisant les ceréales de maïs, de riz, de sorgho, de mil, de niébé, d'arachide, de haricots, de blé et de manioc, principalement et la demande des consommateurs. Afin de mesurer cet impact, le modèle Probed Price Ordered a été utilisé, comme outil de modèle linéaire généralisé. Les données issues du ministère approprié de l'état de Kano (Nigéria) ont été utilisées. Ensuite, le modèle a été soumis à dix (10) instabilités des prix de ces cultures céréalières. Il a été prouvé que les probabilités de variations des prix du riz, du maïs, du sorgho et du mil dues à l'augmentation des prix dans les années précédentes sont de 0,83 (83 %), 0,30 (30 %), 0,35 (35 %) et 0,45 (45 %) respectivement. Alors que la vraisemblance des augmentations mensuelles des ces prix, mesurées en probabilités, pour les cerales maïs, niébé, arachide, haricots, blé et manioc sont de 0,382 (38,2 %), 0,851 (85,1 %), 0,450 (45 %), 0,471 (47,1 %), 0,123 (12,3 %) et 0,670 (67 %) respectivement.


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Rasaki Olawale OLANREWAJU. Adekola Lanrewaju OLUMIDE. Ezekiel OSENI. Phillips Samuel ADEMOLA. "Disintegration of Price Ordered Probit Model: An Application to Prices of Cereal Crops in Nigeria.." Afr. J. Appl. Stat. 7 (1) 781 - 804, January 2020. https://doi.org/10.16929/ajas/2020.781.242


Published: January 2020
First available in Project Euclid: 1 February 2021

Digital Object Identifier: 10.16929/ajas/2020.781.242

Primary: 91B24
Secondary: 62J12 , 91B26 , 91B64 , 91G80

Keywords: cereal crops , generalized linear method , instability , price ordered probit , prices

Rights: Copyright © 2020 The Statistics and Probability African Society

Vol.7 • No. 1 • January 2020
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