Open Access
2016 Well-posed boundary integral equation formulations and Nyström discretizations for the solution of Helmholtz transmission problems in two-dimensional Lipschitz domains
Víctor Domínguez, Mark Lyon, Catalin Turc
J. Integral Equations Applications 28(3): 395-440 (2016). DOI: 10.1216/JIE-2016-28-3-395


We present a comparison among the performance of solvers based on Nystr\"om discretizations of several well-posed boundary integral equation formulations of Helmholtz transmission problems in two-dimensional Lipschitz domains. Specifically, we focus on the following four classes of boundary integral formulations of Helmholtz transmission problems: (1)~the classical first kind integral equations for transmission problems~\cite {costabel-stephan}, (2)~the classical second kind integral equations for transmission problems~\cite {KressRoach}, (3)~the single integral equation formulations~\cite {KleinmanMartin}, and (4)~certain direct counterparts of recently introduced generalized combined source integral equations \cite {turc2, turc3}. The former two formulations were the only formulations whose well-posedness in Lipschitz domains was rigorously established \cite {costabel-stephan, ToWe:1993}. We establish the well-posedness of the latter two formulations in appropriate functional spaces of boundary traces of solutions of transmission Helmholtz problems in Lipschitz domains. We give ample numerical evidence that Nystr\"om solvers based on formulations (3) and (4) are computationally more advantageous than solvers based on the classical formulations (1) and (2), especially in the case of high-contrast transmission problems at high frequencies.


Download Citation

Víctor Domínguez. Mark Lyon. Catalin Turc. "Well-posed boundary integral equation formulations and Nyström discretizations for the solution of Helmholtz transmission problems in two-dimensional Lipschitz domains." J. Integral Equations Applications 28 (3) 395 - 440, 2016.


Published: 2016
First available in Project Euclid: 17 October 2016

zbMATH: 06653831
MathSciNet: MR3562357
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1216/JIE-2016-28-3-395

Primary: 35J05 , 65F08 , 65N38 , 65T40

Keywords: graded meshes , integral equations , Lipschitz domains , Nyström method , regularizing operators , transmission problems

Rights: Copyright © 2016 Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium

Vol.28 • No. 3 • 2016
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