Open Access
2018 Numerical Simulation of Dispersed Particle-Blood Flow in the Stenosed Coronary Arteries
Mongkol Kaewbumrung, Somsak Orankitjaroen, Pichit Boonkrong, Buraskorn Nuntadilok, Benchawan Wiwatanapataphee
Int. J. Differ. Equ. 2018: 1-16 (2018). DOI: 10.1155/2018/2593425


A mathematical model of dispersed bioparticle-blood flow through the stenosed coronary artery under the pulsatile boundary conditions is proposed. Blood is assumed to be an incompressible non-Newtonian fluid and its flow is considered as turbulence described by the Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations. Bioparticles are assumed to be spherical shape with the same density as blood, and their translation and rotational motions are governed by Newtonian equations. Impact of particle movement on the blood velocity, the pressure distribution, and the wall shear stress distribution in three different severity degrees of stenosis including 25%, 50%, and 75% are investigated through the numerical simulation using ANSYS 18.2. Increasing degree of stenosis severity results in higher values of the pressure drop and wall shear stresses. The higher level of bioparticle motion directly varies with the pressure drop and wall shear stress. The area of coronary artery with higher density of bioparticles also presents the higher wall shear stress.


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Mongkol Kaewbumrung. Somsak Orankitjaroen. Pichit Boonkrong. Buraskorn Nuntadilok. Benchawan Wiwatanapataphee. "Numerical Simulation of Dispersed Particle-Blood Flow in the Stenosed Coronary Arteries." Int. J. Differ. Equ. 2018 1 - 16, 2018.


Received: 14 March 2018; Revised: 22 May 2018; Accepted: 4 June 2018; Published: 2018
First available in Project Euclid: 19 September 2018

MathSciNet: MR3842711
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1155/2018/2593425

Rights: Copyright © 2018 Hindawi

Vol.2018 • 2018
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