1 September 2019 Exceptional isomorphisms between complements of affine plane curves
Jérémy Blanc, Jean-Philippe Furter, Mattias Hemmig
Duke Math. J. 168(12): 2235-2297 (1 September 2019). DOI: 10.1215/00127094-2019-0012


This article describes the geometry of isomorphisms between complements of geometrically irreducible closed curves in the affine plane A2, over an arbitrary field, which do not extend to an automorphism of A2. We show that such isomorphisms are quite exceptional. In particular, they occur only when both curves are isomorphic to open subsets of the affine line A1, with the same number of complement points, over any field extension of the ground field. Moreover, the isomorphism is uniquely determined by one of the curves, up to left composition with an automorphism of A2, except in the case where the curve is isomorphic to the affine line A1 or to the punctured line A1{0}. If one curve is isomorphic to A1, then both curves are equivalent to lines. In addition, for any positive integer n, we construct a sequence of n pairwise nonequivalent closed embeddings of A1{0} with isomorphic complements. In characteristic 0 we even construct infinite sequences with this property.

Finally, we give a geometric construction that produces a large family of examples of nonisomorphic geometrically irreducible closed curves in A2 that have isomorphic complements, answering negatively the complement problem posed by Hanspeter Kraft. This also gives a negative answer to the holomorphic version of this problem in any dimension n2. The question had been raised by Pierre-Marie Poloni.


Download Citation

Jérémy Blanc. Jean-Philippe Furter. Mattias Hemmig. "Exceptional isomorphisms between complements of affine plane curves." Duke Math. J. 168 (12) 2235 - 2297, 1 September 2019. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2019-0012


Received: 19 October 2017; Revised: 21 December 2018; Published: 1 September 2019
First available in Project Euclid: 24 August 2019

zbMATH: 07145002
MathSciNet: MR3999446
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/00127094-2019-0012

Primary: 14E07
Secondary: 14J26 , 14R10 , 32M17

Keywords: affine algebraic geometry , birational geometry , complements of curves , surfaces

Rights: Copyright © 2019 Duke University Press

Vol.168 • No. 12 • 1 September 2019
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