1 October 2016 Characterization of Schatten-class Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces
Jordi Pau
Duke Math. J. 165(14): 2771-2791 (1 October 2016). DOI: 10.1215/00127094-3627310


We completely characterize the simultaneous membership in the Schatten ideals Sp, 0<p< of the Hankel operators Hf and Hf¯ on the Bergman space, in terms of the behavior of a local mean oscillation function, proving a conjecture of Kehe Zhu from 1991.


Download Citation

Jordi Pau. "Characterization of Schatten-class Hankel operators on weighted Bergman spaces." Duke Math. J. 165 (14) 2771 - 2791, 1 October 2016. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-3627310


Received: 25 March 2015; Revised: 27 October 2015; Published: 1 October 2016
First available in Project Euclid: 23 June 2016

zbMATH: 06653512
MathSciNet: MR3551773
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/00127094-3627310

Primary: 47B10 , 47B35
Secondary: 30H20 , ‎32A36‎

Keywords: Bergman spaces , Hankel operators , Schatten classes

Rights: Copyright © 2016 Duke University Press

Vol.165 • No. 14 • 1 October 2016
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