15 May 2014 Zeta functions of regular arithmetic schemes at s=0
Baptiste Morin
Duke Math. J. 163(7): 1263-1336 (15 May 2014). DOI: 10.1215/00127094-2681387


Lichtenbaum conjectured the existence of a Weil-étale cohomology in order to describe the vanishing order and the special value of the zeta function of an arithmetic scheme X at s=0 in terms of Euler–Poincaré characteristics. Assuming the (conjectured) finite generation of some étale motivic cohomology groups we construct such a cohomology theory for regular schemes proper over Spec(Z). In particular, we obtain (unconditionally) the right Weil-étale cohomology for geometrically cellular schemes over number rings. We state a conjecture expressing the vanishing order and the special value up to sign of the zeta function ζ(X,s) at s=0 in terms of a perfect complex of abelian groups RΓW,c(X,Z). Then we relate this conjecture to Soulé’s conjecture and to the Tamagawa number conjecture of Bloch–Kato, and deduce its validity in simple cases.


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Baptiste Morin. "Zeta functions of regular arithmetic schemes at s=0." Duke Math. J. 163 (7) 1263 - 1336, 15 May 2014. https://doi.org/10.1215/00127094-2681387


Published: 15 May 2014
First available in Project Euclid: 9 May 2014

zbMATH: 06303878
MathSciNet: MR3205726
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1215/00127094-2681387

Primary: 11G40 , 14F20

Rights: Copyright © 2014 Duke University Press

Vol.163 • No. 7 • 15 May 2014
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