2007 Existence, uniqueness and multiplicity of rotating fluxon waves in annular Josephson junctions
Guy Katriel
Differential Integral Equations 20(10): 1167-1184 (2007). DOI: 10.57262/die/1356039301


We prove that the equation modelling an annular Josephson junction has a rotating fluxon wave solution for all values of the parameters. We also obtain results on uniqueness of the rotating fluxon wave in some parameter regimes, and on multiplicity of rotating fluxon waves in other parameter regimes.


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Guy Katriel. "Existence, uniqueness and multiplicity of rotating fluxon waves in annular Josephson junctions." Differential Integral Equations 20 (10) 1167 - 1184, 2007. https://doi.org/10.57262/die/1356039301


Published: 2007
First available in Project Euclid: 20 December 2012

zbMATH: 1212.35418
MathSciNet: MR2365207
Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/die/1356039301

Primary: 35Q53
Secondary: 35B10 , 35B35 , 47J05 , 82D55

Rights: Copyright © 2007 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.

Vol.20 • No. 10 • 2007
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