In this paper, we present a fourth-order algorithm to solve Poisson’s equation in two and three dimensions. We use a Cartesian grid, embedded boundary method to resolve complex boundaries. We use a weighted least squares algorithm to solve for our stencils. We use convergence tests to demonstrate accuracy and we show the eigenvalues of the operator to demonstrate stability. We compare accuracy and performance with an established second-order algorithm. We also discuss in depth strategies for retaining higher-order accuracy in the presence of nonsmooth geometries.
Dharshi Devendran. Daniel Graves. Hans Johansen. Terry Ligocki. "A fourth-order Cartesian grid embedded boundary method for Poisson's equation." Commun. Appl. Math. Comput. Sci. 12 (1) 51 - 79, 2017. https://doi.org/10.2140/camcos.2017.12.51