Open Access
December 2013 Gaussian approximations and multiplier bootstrap for maxima of sums of high-dimensional random vectors
Victor Chernozhukov, Denis Chetverikov, Kengo Kato
Ann. Statist. 41(6): 2786-2819 (December 2013). DOI: 10.1214/13-AOS1161


We derive a Gaussian approximation result for the maximum of a sum of high-dimensional random vectors. Specifically, we establish conditions under which the distribution of the maximum is approximated by that of the maximum of a sum of the Gaussian random vectors with the same covariance matrices as the original vectors. This result applies when the dimension of random vectors (p) is large compared to the sample size (n); in fact, p can be much larger than n, without restricting correlations of the coordinates of these vectors. We also show that the distribution of the maximum of a sum of the random vectors with unknown covariance matrices can be consistently estimated by the distribution of the maximum of a sum of the conditional Gaussian random vectors obtained by multiplying the original vectors with i.i.d. Gaussian multipliers. This is the Gaussian multiplier (or wild) bootstrap procedure. Here too, p can be large or even much larger than n. These distributional approximations, either Gaussian or conditional Gaussian, yield a high-quality approximation to the distribution of the original maximum, often with approximation error decreasing polynomially in the sample size, and hence are of interest in many applications. We demonstrate how our Gaussian approximations and the multiplier bootstrap can be used for modern high-dimensional estimation, multiple hypothesis testing, and adaptive specification testing. All these results contain nonasymptotic bounds on approximation errors.


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Victor Chernozhukov. Denis Chetverikov. Kengo Kato. "Gaussian approximations and multiplier bootstrap for maxima of sums of high-dimensional random vectors." Ann. Statist. 41 (6) 2786 - 2819, December 2013.


Published: December 2013
First available in Project Euclid: 17 December 2013

zbMATH: 1292.62030
MathSciNet: MR3161448
Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/13-AOS1161

Primary: 62E17 , 62F40

Keywords: anti-concentration , Dantzig selector , high dimensionality , maximum of vector sums , Slepian , Stein method

Rights: Copyright © 2013 Institute of Mathematical Statistics

Vol.41 • No. 6 • December 2013
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