Open Access
2015 Indicators of Tambara–Yamagami categories and Gauss sums
Tathagata Basak, Ryan Johnson
Algebra Number Theory 9(8): 1793-1823 (2015). DOI: 10.2140/ant.2015.9.1793


We prove that the higher Frobenius–Schur indicators, introduced by Ng and Schauenburg, give a strong-enough invariant to distinguish between any two Tambara–Yamagami fusion categories. Our proofs are based on computation of the higher indicators in terms of Gauss sums for certain quadratic forms on finite abelian groups and rely on the classification of quadratic forms on finite abelian groups, due to Wall.

As a corollary to our work, we show that the state-sum invariants of a Tambara–Yamagami category determine the category as long as we restrict to Tambara–Yamagami categories coming from groups G whose order is not a power of 2. Turaev and Vainerman proved this result under the assumption that G has odd order, and they conjectured that a similar result should hold for groups of even order. We also give an example to show that the assumption that |G| is not a power of 2 cannot be completely relaxed.


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Tathagata Basak. Ryan Johnson. "Indicators of Tambara–Yamagami categories and Gauss sums." Algebra Number Theory 9 (8) 1793 - 1823, 2015.


Received: 24 July 2014; Revised: 18 June 2015; Accepted: 25 July 2015; Published: 2015
First available in Project Euclid: 16 November 2017

zbMATH: 1330.18008
MathSciNet: MR3418743
Digital Object Identifier: 10.2140/ant.2015.9.1793

Primary: 18D10
Secondary: 11L05 , 15A63 , 57M27

Keywords: discriminant form , Frobenius–Schur indicator , fusion category , Gauss sum , quadratic form , Tambara–Yamagami category

Rights: Copyright © 2015 Mathematical Sciences Publishers

Vol.9 • No. 8 • 2015
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