September/October 2017 On local $L_p$-$L_q$ well-posedness of incompressible two-phase flows with phase transitions: Non-equal densities with large initial data
Senjo Shimizu, Shintaro Yagi
Adv. Differential Equations 22(9/10): 737-764 (September/October 2017). DOI: 10.57262/ade/1495850458


A basic model for incompressible two-phase flows with phase transitions where the interface is nearly flat in the case of non-equal densities is considered. Local well-posedness of the model in $L_p$ in a time setting $L_q$ in a space setting was proved in [30] under a smallness assumption for the initial data. In this paper, we remove the smallness assumption for the initial data.


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Senjo Shimizu. Shintaro Yagi. "On local $L_p$-$L_q$ well-posedness of incompressible two-phase flows with phase transitions: Non-equal densities with large initial data." Adv. Differential Equations 22 (9/10) 737 - 764, September/October 2017.


Published: September/October 2017
First available in Project Euclid: 27 May 2017

zbMATH: 06780898
MathSciNet: MR3656491
Digital Object Identifier: 10.57262/ade/1495850458

Primary: 35Q30 , 35R35 , 76D45 , 76T10

Rights: Copyright © 2017 Khayyam Publishing, Inc.

Vol.22 • No. 9/10 • September/October 2017
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