Open Access
VOL. 1 | 2018 Chapter 12. On some properties of the new Sine-skewed Cardioid Distribution
Chapter Author(s) Cherif Mamadou Moctar TRAORÉ, Moumouni DIALLO, Gane Samb LO, Mohamed AHSANULLAH, Lois Chinwendu OKEREKE
Editor(s) Hamet SEYDI, Gane Samb LO, Aboubakary DIAKHABY


The new Sine Skewed Cardioid (ssc) distribution been just introduced and characterized by Ahsanullah (2018). Here, we study the asymptotic properties of its tails by determining its extreme value domain, the characteristic function, the moments and likelihood estimators of the two parameters, the asymptotic normality of the moments estimators and the random generation of data from the ssc distribution. Finally, we proceed to a simulation study to show the performance of the random generation method and the quality of the moments estimation of the parameters.


Published: 1 January 2018
First available in Project Euclid: 26 September 2019

Digital Object Identifier: 10.16929/sbs/2018.100-02-09

Primary: 62G20 , 62G32

Keywords: extreme value domain , moment estimator , sample generation , Sine Skewed Cardioid distribution , Tails

Rights: Copyright © 2018 The Statistics and Probability African Society

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