Open Access
VOL. 1 | 2018 Chapter 3. Le théorème inverse de Galois
Chapter Author(s) Hamet SEYDI
Editor(s) Hamet SEYDI, Gane Samb LO, Aboubakary DIAKHABY


The main aim of this article is to prove the following result.

Theorem 3. Let K be a hilbertian field and G a finite group. Then there exist a Galois extension L of K such that Gal(L/K) is isomorphic to G.


Published: 1 January 2018
First available in Project Euclid: 26 September 2019

Digital Object Identifier: 10.16929/sbs/2018.100-01-03

Primary: 11F80 , 11R32

Keywords: Galois Inverse Theorem , Galois representations

Rights: Copyright © 2018 The Statistics and Probability African Society

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