Open Access
VOL. 1 | 2018 Chapter 14. Computation of zeros of nonlinear monotone mappings in certain Banach spaces
Chapter Author(s) Thierno Mohamadane Mansour SOW, Mariama NDIAYE, Moustapha SENE, Ngalla DJITTE
Editor(s) Hamet SEYDI, Gane Samb LO, Aboubakary DIAKHABY


Let E be a uniformly convex real Banach space with uniformly Gâteaux differentiable norm and E its dual space and let A:EE be a bounded and uniformly monotone mapping such that A1(0). In this paper, we introduce an new explicit iterative algorithm that converges strongly to the unique zeros of A. The results proved here are applied to the convex optimization problem.


Published: 1 January 2018
First available in Project Euclid: 26 September 2019

Digital Object Identifier: 10.16929/sbs/2018.100-03-02

Primary: 47H04 , 47H06 , 47H15 , 47H17 , 47J25

Keywords: iterative algorithms , uniformly monotone mapping , zeros of mappings

Rights: Copyright © 2018 The Statistics and Probability African Society

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