Open Access
VOL. 6 | 2010 Optimality results for mid p–values
Chapter Author(s) Martin T. Wells
Editor(s) James O. Berger, T. Tony Cai, Iain M. Johnstone
Inst. Math. Stat. (IMS) Collect., 2010: 184-198 (2010) DOI: 10.1214/10-IMSCOLL613


This article examines some classical optimality properties of various mid p–values. It is shown that the usual mid p–value arises naturally via a Rao–Blackwellization argument of a certain type of mid p–value. In 2 × 2 × K contingency tables and I × J tables with ordered alternatives it is shown that the type of alternative is crucial in the construction of an improved evidence assessment rule. It turns out that dimension of the sufficient statistic determines the amount of improvement gained by Rao–Blackwellization. In the 2 × 2 × K contingency tables and the uniform association model it is shown that the Cohen and Sackrowitz (1992) mid p–value can be improved. In each of these examples, the p–values are not based only on sufficient statistics. However, each can be shown to reduce to the usual mid p–value upon Rao–Blackwellization. Furthermore the mid p–value can, more generally, be derived as an optimal procedure for estimating the truth function using a UMP test. Hence the mid p–value serves a special role as a procedure suggested by both Neyman–Pearson and Rao–Blackwell theories as well as from a Bayesian perspective. Mid p–values for the matched pairs sample and logistic regression models are also studied.


Published: 1 January 2010
First available in Project Euclid: 26 October 2010

MathSciNet: MR2798519

Digital Object Identifier: 10.1214/10-IMSCOLL613

Primary: 62B05 , 62C05
Secondary: 62E15

Keywords: 2 × 2 × K tables , estimated truth functions , hi–squared test , I × J tables with ordered alternatives , logistic regression , mid p–value , Rao-Blackwellization , uniform association

Rights: Copyright © 2010, Institute of Mathematical Statistics

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