VOL. 34 · NO. 2 | April 2024
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), (April 2024)
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Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), (April 2024)
No abstract available
Konstantin Izyurov, Antti Kemppainen, Petri Tuisku
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 1699-1729, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP1968
KEYWORDS: Ising model, Critical phenomena, discrete holomorphicity, 82B20, 82B27
Paul Gassiat, Benjamin Seeger
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 1730-1788, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2001
KEYWORDS: Stochastic viscosity solutions, Neumann boundary conditions, Mean curvature flow, 60H15, 35R60, 35D40, 35K55, 35K93
Lorenzo Dello Schiavo, Lorenzo Portinale, Federico Sau
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 1789-1845, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2007
KEYWORDS: Symmetric exclusion process, symmetric inclusion process, stationary nonequilibrium states, Hydrodynamic limit, hydrostatic limit, stationary nonequilibrium fluctuations, Lipschitz domain, 60K35, 60F17, 35B30, 35K05, 35K20
Sebastian Andres, Alexis Prévost
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 1846-1895, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2008
KEYWORDS: first passage percolation, shape theorem, Random conductance model, Green kernel, long-range correlations, 60K35, 60K37, 39A12, 82B43, 60J35, 82C41
Zhichao Wang, Yizhe Zhu
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 1896-1947, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2010
KEYWORDS: Random matrix theory, neural networks, random feature regression, neural tangent kernel, 60B20, 68T07, 62J07
Bruno Ziliotto
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 1948-1986, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2011
KEYWORDS: Stochastic games with incomplete information, Mertens’ conjectures, Martingale approximation, 91A15, 60G42
Alexander M. G. Cox, Sigrid Källblad, Martin Larsson, Sara Svaluto-Ferro
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 1987-2035, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2012
KEYWORDS: measure-valued martingales, stochastic optimal control, viscosity solutions, Itô’s formula, 93E20, 49L25, 60G57, 58J65, 60G48, 58C20, 46T05‎, 91G20, 91A27
Andrii Arman, Pu Gao, Nicholas Wormald
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2036-2064, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2013
KEYWORDS: Randomized generation algorithms, Contingency tables, rejection sampling, 68Q87, 68W20, 68W40, 60B20, 62H17, 68W25
Xiao Fang, Yuta Koike
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2065-2106, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2014
KEYWORDS: Berry–Esseen bound, bootstrap, central limit theorem, large dimensions, Stein’s method, 60F05, 62E17
Michel Davydov
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2107-2135, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2015
KEYWORDS: mean-field theory, replica model, point process, Poisson hypothesis, Poisson approximation, intensity-based model, neural network, 60K35, 60G55
Wei Hong, Shanshan Hu, Wei Liu
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2136-2189, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2016
KEYWORDS: SPDE, distribution dependence, well-posedness, large deviation principle, McKean–Vlasov equation, 60H10, 60F10
Noga Alon, Dor Elboim, Allan Sly
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2190-2207, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2018
KEYWORDS: Memory process, 60J05
Fred Espen Benth, Dennis Schroers, Almut E. D. Veraart
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2208-2242, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2019 Open Access
KEYWORDS: central limit theorem, high-frequency estimation, functional data, SPDE, Power variations, Volatility, C0-semigroups, Hilbert–Schmidt operators, 62E20, 46N30, 60H15
Pierre Monmarché
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2243-2293, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2021
KEYWORDS: Monte Carlo, Langevin diffusion, splitting scheme, modified entropy, 65C05, 65C40
John Peca-Medlin
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2294-2325, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2023
KEYWORDS: Gaussian elimination, partial pivoting, butterfly matrices, Stirling numbers of the first kind, numerical linear algebra, Universality, 60B20, 15A23, 65F99
Sani Biswas, Chaman Kumar, Neelima, Gonçalo dos Reis, Christoph Reisinger
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2326-2363, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2024
KEYWORDS: stochastic interacting particle systems, McKean–Vlasov equations, common noise, Milstein scheme, nondifferentiable drift, drift randomisation, bistability, 65C30, 60H35, 65C05, 65C35
Inwon C. Kim, Young-Heon Kim
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2364-2414, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2026
KEYWORDS: stopping times, Optimal transport, free boundary, Stefan problem, supercooled Stefan problem, 60, 49, 35, 80
Asaf Nachmias, Pengfei Tang
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2415-2446, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2027
KEYWORDS: Minimal spanning tree, wired minimal spanning forest, Poisson-weighted infinite tree, Local limit, Spectral dimension, 60C05, 60G55
Ziv Goldfeld, Kengo Kato, Sloan Nietert, Gabriel Rioux
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2447-2487, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2028
KEYWORDS: Dual Sobolev space, Gaussian smoothing, Functional Delta Method, Limit distribution theory, Wasserstein distance, 60F05, 62E20, 62G09
Yvain Bruned, Usama Nadeem
Ann. Appl. Probab. 34 (2), 2488-2538, (April 2024) DOI: 10.1214/23-AAP2029
KEYWORDS: discrete models, generalised KPZ equation, Regularity structures, Stochastic pde, 60L30, 60L90, 60H15
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