Sixth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability
June 21-July 18, 1970, April 9-12, June 16-21, and July 19-22, 1971 | Statistical Laboratory of the University of California, Berkeley
Proceedings of the Sixth Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, Volume 4: Biology and Health

Editor(s) Lucien M. Le Cam, Jerzy Neyman, Elizabeth L. Scott

Berkeley Symp. on Math. Statist. and Prob., 6.4: 353pp. (1972).
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability
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Byron Wm. Brown, Jr.
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 1-13 (1972). Open Access
Dankward Kodlin , Morris F. Collen
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 15-23 (1972). Open Access
William F. Taylor , Peter C. O'Brien
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 25-32 (1972). Open Access
D. A. Darling
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 33-35 (1972). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 60G40, 62L15
Herbert Robbins , David Siegmund
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 37-41 (1972). Open Access
B. J. Flehinger , T. A. Louis
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 43-51 (1972). Open Access
David Hoel , Milton Sobel
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 53-69 (1972). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 62F07, 62L10
Howard J. Weiner
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 71-78 (1972). Open Access
Samuel Karlin , James McGregor
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 79-87 (1972). Open Access
Nathan Keyfitz
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 89-108 (1972). Open Access
F. N. David
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 109-136 (1972). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 62P10, 62E15
W. A. O'N. Waugh
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 137-146 (1972). Open Access
Grace L. Yang , Chin Long Chiang
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 147-158 (1972). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 92A15, 60J99
Dean H. Fearn
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 159-172 (1972). Open Access
Jerome Klotz
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 173-185 (1972). Open Access
Chin Long Chiang
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 187-197 (1972). Open Access
M. Tarter , S. Raman
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 199-222 (1972). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 62G05, 62P10
F. N. David
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 223-230 (1972). Open Access
Prem S. Puri , Jerome Senturia
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 231-247 (1972). Open Access
G. Morris Southward , J Van Ryzin
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 249-263 (1972). Open Access
Peter Clifford
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 265-286 (1972). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 92A05, 92A10
Margaret R. White
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 287-307 (1972). Open Access
Claude L. Guillier
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 309-315 (1972). Open Access
I. Richard Savage , Murray Webster
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 317-327 (1972). Open Access
KEYWORDS: 60A05, 92A20
J. Yerushalmy
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 329-342 (1972). Open Access
Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability Vol. 6.4, 343-353 (1972). Open Access
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