We consider the minimizers of $L^{2}$-critical inhomogeneous variational problems with a spatially decaying nonlinear term in an open bounded domain $\Omega$ of $\mathbb{R}^{N}$ which contains $0$. We prove that there is a threshold $a^{*}> 0$ such that minimizers exist for $0< a< a^{*}$ and the minimizer does not exist for any $a> a^{*}$. In contrast to the homogeneous case, we show that both the existence and nonexistence of minimizers may occur at the threshold $a^*$ depending on the value of $V(0)$, where $V(x)$ denotes the trapping potential. Moreover, under some suitable assumptions on $V(x)$, based on a detailed analysis on the concentration behavior of minimizers as $a\nearrow a^*$, we prove local uniqueness of minimizers when $a$ is close enough to $a^*$.
Hongfei Zhang. Shu Zhang. "Minimizers of $L^2$-critical inhomogeneous variational problems with a spatially decaying nonlinearity in bounded domains." Topol. Methods Nonlinear Anal. 64 (1) 31 - 59, 2024. https://doi.org/10.12775/TMNA.2023.041