December 2021 On Weakly Reflective Submanifolds in Compact Isotropy Irreducible Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces
Tokyo J. Math. 44(2): 467-476 (December 2021). DOI: 10.3836/tjm/1502179344


We show that for any weakly reflective submanifold of a compact isotropy irreducible Riemannian homogeneous space its inverse image under the parallel transport map is an infinite dimensional weakly reflective PF submanifold of a Hilbert space. This is an extension of the author's previous result in the case of compact irreducible Riemannian symmetric spaces. We also give a characterization of so obtained weakly reflective PF submanifolds.


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Masahiro MORIMOTO. "On Weakly Reflective Submanifolds in Compact Isotropy Irreducible Riemannian Homogeneous Spaces." Tokyo J. Math. 44 (2) 467 - 476, December 2021.


Published: December 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 26 August 2021

MathSciNet: MR4379738
zbMATH: 1490.53079
Digital Object Identifier: 10.3836/tjm/1502179344

Primary: 53C40

Rights: Copyright © 2021 Publication Committee for the Tokyo Journal of Mathematics

Vol.44 • No. 2 • December 2021
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