Open Access
December, 2021 Bounds for Hilbert Coefficients
Cao Huy Linh, Ton That Quoc Tan
Author Affiliations +
Taiwanese J. Math. 25(6): 1159-1172 (December, 2021). DOI: 10.11650/tjm/210602


Let $(A,\mathfrak{m})$ be a noetherian local ring and $J$ an $\mathfrak{m}$-primary ideal. Elias [3] proved that $\operatorname{depth}(G(J^k))$ is constant for $k \gg 0$ and denoted this number by $\sigma(J)$. In this paper, we prove the non-positivity for the Hilbert coefficients $e_i(J)$ under some conditions for $\sigma(J)$. In case of $J = Q$ is a parameter ideal, we establish bounds for the Hilbert coefficients of $Q$ in terms of the dimension and the first Hilbert coefficient $e_1(Q)$.

Funding Statement

The paper was completed while the first author was visiting the Vietnam Institute for Advanced Study in Mathematics (VIASM). He would like to thank the VIASM for financial support and hospitality. This work was partially supported by the Core Research Program of Hue University, Grant No. NCM.DHH.2020.15.


The authors thank the referees for his careful reading of the manuscript and his valuable hints.


Download Citation

Cao Huy Linh. Ton That Quoc Tan. "Bounds for Hilbert Coefficients." Taiwanese J. Math. 25 (6) 1159 - 1172, December, 2021.


Received: 7 April 2021; Revised: 10 June 2021; Accepted: 15 June 2021; Published: December, 2021
First available in Project Euclid: 28 June 2021

MathSciNet: MR4342369
zbMATH: 1481.13033
Digital Object Identifier: 10.11650/tjm/210602

Primary: 13D45
Secondary: 13D07 , 14B15

Keywords: Castelnuovo–Mumford regularity , Hilbert coefficients , parameter ideals , postulation number , the depth of associated graded rings

Rights: Copyright © 2021 The Mathematical Society of the Republic of China

Vol.25 • No. 6 • December, 2021
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