Open Access
October, 2022 On Almost Self-centered Graphs and Almost Peripheral Graphs
Yanan Hu, Xingzhi Zhan
Author Affiliations +
Taiwanese J. Math. 26(5): 887-901 (October, 2022). DOI: 10.11650/tjm/220401


An almost self-centered graph is a connected graph of order $n$ with exactly $n-2$ central vertices, and an almost peripheral graph is a connected graph of order $n$ with exactly $n-1$ peripheral vertices. We determine (1) the maximum girth of an almost self-centered graph of order $n$; (2) the maximum independence number of an almost self-centered graph of order $n$ and radius $r$; (3) the minimum order of a $k$-regular almost self-centered graph; (4) the maximum size of an almost peripheral graph of order $n$; (5) possible maximum degrees of an almost peripheral graph of order $n$ and (6) the maximum number of vertices of maximum degree in an almost peripheral graph of order $n$ with maximum degree $n-4$ which is the second largest possible. Whenever the extremal graphs have a neat form, we also describe them.

Funding Statement

This research was supported by the NSFC grant 11671148 and Science and Technology Commission of Shanghai Municipality (STCSM) grant 18dz2271000.


Download Citation

Yanan Hu. Xingzhi Zhan. "On Almost Self-centered Graphs and Almost Peripheral Graphs." Taiwanese J. Math. 26 (5) 887 - 901, October, 2022.


Received: 12 August 2021; Revised: 27 February 2022; Accepted: 10 April 2022; Published: October, 2022
First available in Project Euclid: 14 April 2022

MathSciNet: MR4583371
zbMATH: 1498.05083
Digital Object Identifier: 10.11650/tjm/220401

Primary: 05C07 , 05C35 , 05C69

Keywords: almost peripheral graph , almost self-centered graph , Girth , independence number

Rights: Copyright © 2022 The Mathematical Society of the Republic of China

Vol.26 • No. 5 • October, 2022
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