Open Access
September, 2003 Nonassociative Algebras: Some Applications
Santos González, Consuelo Martínez
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana 19(2): 385-392 (September, 2003).


Nonassociative algebras can be applied, either directly or using their particular methods, to many other branches of Mathematics and other Sciences. Here emphasis will be given to two concrete applications of nonassociative algebras. In the first one, an application to group theory in the line of the Restricted Burnside Problem will be considered. The second one opens a door to some applications of non-associative algebras to Error correcting Codes and Cryptography.


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Santos González. Consuelo Martínez. "Nonassociative Algebras: Some Applications." Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana 19 (2) 385 - 392, September, 2003.


Published: September, 2003
First available in Project Euclid: 8 September 2003

MathSciNet: MR2023191
zbMATH: 1071.17019

Primary: 17B60
Secondary: 20F40 , 94A60 , 94B60

Keywords: cryptography , Galois ring , group , non-associative algebra

Rights: Copyright © 2003 Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Vol.19 • No. 2 • September, 2003
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