In this note we introduce three problems related to the topic of finite Hausdorff moments. Generally speaking, given the first \(n+1\) (\(n\in \mathbb N\cup \{0\}\)) moments, \(\alpha_0\), \(\alpha_1\),..., \(\alpha_n\), of a real-valued continuously differentiable function \(f\) defined on \([0,1]\), what can be said about the size of the image of \(\frac{df}{dx}\)? We make the questions more precise and we give answers in the cases of three or fewer moments and in some cases for four moments. In the general situation of \(n+1\) moments, we show that the range of the derivative should contain the convex hull of a set of \(n\) numbers calculated in terms of the Bernstein polynomials, \(x^k(1-x)^{n+1-k}\), \(k=1,2,...,n\), which turn out to involve expressions just in terms of the given moments \(\alpha_i\), \(i=0,1,2,...n\). In the end we make some conjectures about what may be true in terms of the sharpness of the interval range mentioned before.
Eugen J. Ionascu. Richard Stephens. "Moments and the Range of the Derivative." Real Anal. Exchange 37 (1) 129 - 146, 2011/2012.