In this note we discuss some interconnections between the space \(BV_p[a,b]\) (\(1\leq p\lt\infty\)) of functions of bounded \(p\)-variation (in Wiener's sense) and the space \(Lip_\alpha[a,b]\) (\(0\lt\alpha\leq 1\)) of Hölder continuous functions. In particular, we show that \(f\in BV_p[a,b]\) if and only if \(f=g\circ \tau\), with \(g\in Lip_{1/p}[a,b]\) and \(\tau\) being monotone, and that \(f\in BV_p[a,b] \cap C[a,b]\) if and only if \(f=g\circ \tau\), with \(g\in Lip_{1/p}[a,b]\) and \(\tau\) being a homeomorphism.
N. Merentes. J. L. Sánchez. "BVp-Functions and Change of Variable." Real Anal. Exchange 37 (1) 177 - 188, 2011/2012.