Open Access
2003-2004 Extending some functions to strongly approximately quasicontinuous functions .
Zbigniew Grande
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Real Anal. Exchange 29(1): 121-129 (2003-2004).


A function $f:{\R } \to {\R }$ is strongly approximately quasicontinuous at a point $x$ if for each real $r > 0$ and for each set $U \ni x$ belonging to the density topology there is an open interval $I$ such that $I \cap U \neq \emptyset $ and $f(U\cap I) \subset (f(x)-r,f(x)+r)$. In this article we investigate the sets $A$ such that each almost everywhere continuous bounded function may be extended from $A$ to a bounded strongly approximately quasicontinuous function on ${\R }$.


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Zbigniew Grande. "Extending some functions to strongly approximately quasicontinuous functions .." Real Anal. Exchange 29 (1) 121 - 129, 2003-2004.


Published: 2003-2004
First available in Project Euclid: 9 June 2006

zbMATH: 1061.26005
MathSciNet: MR2061297

Primary: 26A05 , 26A15

Keywords: condition $(s_0)$ , continuity , density topology , Extension‎

Rights: Copyright © 2003 Michigan State University Press

Vol.29 • No. 1 • 2003-2004
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