Open Access
2003-2004 Convex functions with respect to a mean and a characterization of quasi-arithmetic means.
Janusz Matkowski
Author Affiliations +
Real Anal. Exchange 29(1): 229-246 (2003-2004).


Let $M:(0,\infty)^{2}\rightarrow(0,\infty)$ be a homogeneous strict mean such that the function $h:=M(\cdot,1)$ is twice differentiable and $0\neq h^{\prime}(1)\neq1$. It is shown that if there exists an $M$-affine function, continuous at a point which is neither constant nor linear, then $M$ must be a weighted power mean. Moreover the homogeneity condition of $M$ can be replaced by $M$-convexity of two suitably chosen linear functions. With the aid of iteration groups, some generalizations characterizing the weighted quasi-arithmetic means are given. A geometrical aspect of these results is discussed.


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Janusz Matkowski. "Convex functions with respect to a mean and a characterization of quasi-arithmetic means.." Real Anal. Exchange 29 (1) 229 - 246, 2003-2004.


Published: 2003-2004
First available in Project Euclid: 9 June 2006

zbMATH: 1067.26008
MathSciNet: MR2061307

Primary: 26A51‎ , 26E60 , 39B22
Secondary: 39B12

Keywords: $M$-affine function , $M$-convex function , Differential equation , homogeneous function , iteration group , ‎mean‎ , power mean , ‎quasi-arithmetic mean

Rights: Copyright © 2003 Michigan State University Press

Vol.29 • No. 1 • 2003-2004
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