Open Access
1995/1996 A constructive definition of the n-dimensional ν(S)-integral in terms of Riemann sums
Dirk Jens F. Nonnenmacher
Author Affiliations +
Real Anal. Exchange 21(1): 216-235 (1995/1996).


In a former paper ([Ju-No 1]) we introduced an axiomatic approach to the theory of non-absolutely convergent integrals in \(\mathbb{R}^n\). A specialization of this abstract concept leads to the well-behaved \(\nu (S)\)-integral over quite general sets \(A\) which yields the divergence theorem in its presently most general form. (See [Ju-No 3].) While the definition of the \(\nu (S)\)-integral is of descriptive type (i.e. in terms of an additive almost everywhere differentiable set function) we prove in this paper that it can equivalently be defined using Riemann sums. As an application we show that any function being variationally integrable over \(A\) in the sense of [Pf 3] is also \(\nu (S)\)-integrable over \(A\) and both integrals coincide.


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Dirk Jens F. Nonnenmacher. "A constructive definition of the n-dimensional ν(S)-integral in terms of Riemann sums." Real Anal. Exchange 21 (1) 216 - 235, 1995/1996.


Published: 1995/1996
First available in Project Euclid: 3 July 2012

zbMATH: 0870.26004
MathSciNet: MR1377531

Primary: 26A39 , 26A42 , 26B20

Keywords: divergence theorem , non-absolutely convergent integral , Riemann sums , singularities

Rights: Copyright © 1995 Michigan State University Press

Vol.21 • No. 1 • 1995/1996
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