We prove that Claas Röver's Thompson-Grigorchuk simple group $V\mathcal{G}$ has type $F_\infty$. The proof involves constructing two complexes on which $V\mathcal{G}$ acts: a simplicial complex analogous to the Stein complex for $V$, and a polysimplicial complex analogous to the Farley complex for $V$. We then analyze the descending links of the polysimplicial complex, using a theorem of Belk and Forrest to prove increasing connectivity.
James Belk. Francesco Matucci. "Röver's Simple Group Is of Type $F_\infty$." Publ. Mat. 60 (2) 501 - 524, 2016. https://doi.org/10.5565/PUBLMAT_60216_07