A group $G$ is said to enjoy ``Hasse principle'' if every local coboundary of $G$ is a global coboundary. Let $G$ be a non-Abelian finite $p$-group of order $p^m$, $p$ prime and $m > 4$ having a normal cyclic subgroup of order $p^{m-2}$ but having no element of order $p^{m-1}$. We prove that $G$ enjoys ``Hasse principle'' if $p$ is odd but in the case $p = 2$, there are fourteen such groups twelve of which enjoy ``Hasse principle'' but the remaining two do not satisfy ``Hasse principle''. We also find all the conjugacy preserving outer automorphisms for these two groups.
Manoj Kumar. Lekh Raj Vermani. "On automorphisms of some $p$-groups." Proc. Japan Acad. Ser. A Math. Sci. 78 (4) 46 - 50, April 2002. https://doi.org/10.3792/pjaa.78.46